+39 02 87250362 | +39 02 87250363 | fax +39 02 4690810 segreteria@studiomaffeis.eu

Publications in the year 2009

The publications of Prof. Adv. Daniele Maffeis

  • The nature and structure of investment contracts,” in Rivista di Diritto Privato, 2009
  • Prohibition of discrimination,” in “I principi “Acquis” del diritto comunitario dei contratti” ,” edited by G. De Cristofaro, Giappichelli, Turin, 2009
  • Contractual actions in the mandate without representation: principal’s interest and third-party reliance,” in Corriere giuridico, 2009
  • Substance and rigor in Ambrosian conflict of interest jurisprudence,” in Corriere giuridico, 2009

Publications in the year 2010

The publications of Prof. Adv. Daniele Maffeis

  • Item – Derivative Contracts,” in Digest IV, Private Disciplines, Fifth Update, Utet, Turin, 2010
  • Intermediary versus investor: over-the-counter derivatives,” in Banca borsa e titoli di credito, I, 2010
  • The anti-discrimination law of contracts,” in Nuove Leggi Civili Commentate, 2010

Publications in the year 2011

The publications of Prof. Adv. Daniele Maffeis

  • Item – Discrimination (private law),” in Encyclopedia of Law – Annals, Giuffrè, s.d. but Milan, 2011
  • Derivative Contracts,” in Bank Exchange and Securities, I, 2011
  • The Obligations of the Proxy and the Client,” in I contratti di collaborazione, in Trattato dei contratti edited by P. Rescigno and E. Gabrielli, Utet, Turin, 2011

Publications in the year 2012

The publications of Prof. Adv. Daniele Maffeis

  • Compensation,” “Confusion” in D. Maffeis – A. Fondrieschi – C. Romeo, “The Ways of Extinguishing Obligations,” in “Treatise on Civil Law” directed by R. Sacco, Utet, Turin, 2012
  • Seasons of Horror in Europe: from Frankenstein to Derivatives,” in Banca borsa e titoli di credito, I, 2012
  • Conflict of Interest and Investor Protection,” in Contracts for Business. Bank, markets, society,” chap. XII, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012
  • Foundation and alternative means of allocating assets for ideal purposes,” Laterza, Bari, 2012
  • Diversity of Forms and Plurality of Statutes of Bank Credit in the Global Market and Plural Society,” in Le Nuove Leggi Civili Commentate, II, 2012

Publications in the year 2013

The publications of Prof. Adv. Daniele Maffeis

  • The Cause of the Interest Rate Swap Contract and the Implied Costs,” in Journal of Banking Law. dirittobancario.it, 3, 2013
  • Online Payment and Investment Orders in the Merit Jurisprudence and the ABF’s Dynamic Persuasive Source,” in Rivista di Diritto Civile, no. 5/2013
  • The very thorough examination of the appeal for filter purposes,” in “Il filtro dell’appello,” edited by D. Maffeis and others, Giappichelli, Turin, 2013
  • Review of Marcello Maggiolo, Investment Services and Activities. Borrowers and performance”, in Rivista di Diritto Civile, 2013.
  • Lawyer’s Compensation in Business Recovery Negotiations,” in Fallimento, 2013
  • Implicit costs in theinterest rate swap,” in Commercial Jurisprudence, I, 2013