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Publications in the year 2016

The publications of Prof. Adv. Daniele Maffeis

  • Financial market law and practice,” Giappichelli, Turin, 2016
  • Transparency and depth in the over-the-counter derivatives market,” in The Trading of Financial Risk: Pathologies of Relationships and System Profiles, Naples, 2016
  • Directive 2014/17/EU: exchange rate and interest rate risks and the value of the random component in consumer real estate loans,” in Banca Borsa e Titoli di Credito, 2016
  • Financing Case Excludes the Supervening of So-Called Negative Rates and Requires the Replacement, Conventional or Judicial, of the External Parameter that Has Become Durably Negative” in Rivista di diritto bancario. dirittobancario.it, 17, 2016
  • Legal Alea and Risk Calculation in the Legally Authorized Swap Bet,” in Rivista di Diritto Civile, 2016
  • Contract Cause and Negative Interest Rates,” in Giustiziacivile.com, 2016
  • Negative parameters and interest in financing: a rebuttal to Aldo Angelo Dolmetta,” in giustiziacivile.com, 2016
  • Embedded derivatives are derivatives and affect the civil law qualification of financing contracts,” in Società, 12, 2016